Premier test du Plextor 40/12/40S

CDFreaks vient de mettre en ligne
le tout premier

(en anglais) du graveur 40/12/40S de Plextor. Pour rappel ce graveur est le tout
dernier modèle interne conçu par Plextor. Contrairement aux modèles précédents,
il exploite une interface SCSI.

"Plextor’s SCSI CD-recorders
have, by many people, always been regarded as some of the best CD-recorders
ever manufactured. Unfortunately for many people Plextor had decided to stop
production of their SCSI models and the latest Plextor SCSI drive that was
released was the popular PlexWriter 12/10/32S drive. As you can perhaps
imagine it was quite a shock when last year in October, Plextor announced that
they would release a new SCSI CD-recorder again."

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